Friday, November 19, 2010

4 years ago..

On November 18th 2006 I became a mom. Anna Grace Allen was born. I can't believe it has been 4 years since this day. I loved that day! It was a great day. I was nervous and excited and I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. Hahaha...Labor was tough, bringing home this little baby with jaundice was overwhelming and scary. She didn't sleep at all that first night. John and I didn't know what we were doing, but we made it through those first few weeks. Now she is 4...she is a sweet, spunky, take charge kind of girl. We love you Anna Grace and are so blessed to have you as our daughter.

1st birthday

2nd birthday...she moved non stop and I never got a good photo of her that day.

3rd birthday

4 years old and such a little girl


Jennifer Doss said...

wow! anna has gotten so big. your girls are so cute. i'm amazed at how different they look while still favoring each other so much. your new picture of the three of them is adorable.

Christina Allen said...

Thanks :) Can't wait to see what your little boy looks like! We are excited for you guys.