Sunday, January 16, 2011

Remembering Haiti

It has been a little over a year since the 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti. The 82nd airborne 2nd Brigade were there to help (along with Marines and Navy). John's company got there a few days after the earthquake. They were there a little over 2 months. They worked in and around the capitol. Here are some pictures of John and the company working..

Here the guys were establishing a landing zone to load patients and take them to the USS Comfort. The hospitol is behind the capitol building.

 The first three days in Haiti the guys lived in a storage compound. It only had walls no roof. Then the guys moved to this school house and lived the rest of the time there. At this point they were getting pretty skinny only living on two meals a day.

I am a proud military wife and proud of the work that my husband and the rest of the 82nd Airborne did. There is still a lot of work to be done there. Please continue to pray for the people of Haiti.

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